Saturday, October 18, 2008


I have five sisters and wouldn't trade it for anything. Sure the bathroom was crowded growing up and my clothes were always disappearing, but I love that I'm related to my best friends.

Karen is the funny one - there are things she says that have me laughing for days. I always wished I had her sense of humor or quick come-backs. She also has the best taste in clothes & decorating. Someday I'm going to afford to hire her as my personal shopper.

Anna is the "picky" one - and by that I mean that she always takes the time to make things perfect. Her hair is always perfect, her makeup beautiful. She has lovely clothes that always look great on her(and so does Jane). Her house is beautiful - the nursery is straight out of a catalog. I wish I had her patience to make things in my life just as nice.

Sarah is the sweet one - she is the most loving, patient, kind person I think I have ever met. Any time she shows up the kids just smother her.

Maddie is me, just ten years younger. She falls up the stairs just as much as I do (yes, I said "up") and it makes me feel good. She is also one of the happiest people I know......and was willing to pay extra to keep her license plate that said so.

Molly is the sassy one. She also has a quick wit, but don't even think about touching her unless she gives you permission before hand. She won't hug you, but she'll do just about anything else for you. She is also enjoying being the only kid at home - she prefers you to call her Princess Molly. Ellie loves her Aunt Molly and follows her around whenever possible......I'm afraid they came from the same mold.

My sisters make me want to be a better person - and I love them!


Jensen said...

The "PICKY ONE" hahahahaha that's funny I think you're the funny one, and everyone I talk too says Emily is always perfect, perfect house, perfect kids, perfect hair. I think we all took these traits from you.

Sundy said...

Hello Emily,

My name is Sundy and I work for Bray Entertainment, a television production company based out of New York. We are the creators of the recent show, All-American Makers on Science Channel, American Diner Revival with Ty Pennington on the Food Network, Mansions & Murders on Discovery ID, and the co-creators of Pawn Stars on the History Channel. We are constantly developing new content for a variety of networks and are currently looking for families consisting of 5 or more sisters. Upon coming across your blog post about your sisters, we thought you and your sisters would be a great fit for what we're looking for. I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you and see if this is something you all would be interested in. If you are, I would love to set up a time this week or next week to Skype with you and your sisters. All of my contact information is below.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Thank you for your time,

Sundy Chan
Casting Associate
Bray Entertainment
80 River St, Ste 5D
Hoboken, NJ 07030
p: 212 993 8540
f: 201 706 8003
t: @bray_ent